Monthly Archives: July 2012



This blog post is not about any technical stuff or some thing important to the society or contains informative information. Whats it contains is my personal thoughts related to my personal life. It may also contain some spelling and grammar mistake,  So reader’s discretion is advised and read at your own risk 😉

I have started this blog post in my usual way “and it has been a long time since I did my previous blog post” … :p

The reason behind this post is,me and my family is going to shift the new house tomorrow and i have a very mixed feeling about that.

First starting with the happy part of the story

It has been a long term dream of my family to own a house and the lovely dream came lively true very recently (couple of months ago) when we got our new own house which is near East Thambaram . I had lots of reason to feel very happy about it like I got my own bedroom, this house is quiet bigger than the current one, Its quiet near to my office, It had a car parking to park my bike :p, Nice and quiet area with very less pollution, etc. Not only me each one in my family had their own reason to be happy, for my mom its bigger kitchen , for my sister its pink color painted room and her college quiet near to home, for my dad its about the good temples nearby. Then we had a house warming ceremony and i was very happy where many of my friends came and i really had a nice time…

Of course, this story has a sad part (not actually sad its kinda weird) too,

Since the house warming ceremony had been over i had lots of excitement about moving to the new house but i start to feel weird missing my current home and current place (thiruvottiyur) to which lots of precious memories and important moments in my life are associated with. We moved from tondiarpet to thiruvottiyur due to some bad family reasons when i just completed my 5th grade. The first house we moved in was the one in a Slum Board Quarters in a village street. We really had a very bad time there where we have to spend some 6 months without electricity and with very very few decent people around where we really found it hard to be there. 

So after we had managed this situation for some 2 years , by the time I was in my 8th grade we shifted to the current house in South Mada Street and we have been here for some 10 years. As i said lots of precious moments are associated with this house. Here is where i passed my 10th std, got my 1st computer, passed 12th , got my laptop , graduated as an engineer , got job , Bought my own bike and lots and lots. This house had seen my best as well as very worst moments in my life, my laughter and tears, even though its a small one we lived very happy here.

There are a lot of things i will be missing while leaving this area. Some of my very close and dear friends are here, My school which is not only very close to my home but also very  close to my heart , Some awesome tasty street foods,My fav places like N4 bridge and beach, Mostly empty trains and bus in which u can sit and travel comfortably, Very clean and nice roads which we can never complain about (i was trying to be sarcastic in the last two :p ). Hope i will visit here then and there for my friends, my school and for N4 bridge.

Collusion :  What is hard to move is not myself because of my weight or the things in my house which are heavy, Its HARD TO MOVE leaving behind the people and place where you have been there for a long time and moving on with very heavy memories , loads of sweet moments and tonnes of thoughts about them.