Monthly Archives: January 2021

Riding On Privilege – A Lesson From Cycling

As I mentioned in my last blog post, I decided to focus more on my physical and mental health this year. So, as baby steps, I somehow managed to ride 272 km this month. And, that consists of 3 long-distance rides (>55 km). I hope to be more regular and hope it can only get better from here. Cycling being one lonely activity for me, a lot of thoughts at times rush through my brain. It’s due to pain at times as it’s quite excruciating, especially during the long rides, and at times it’s the environment and its subject that induces the thoughts. Though most of it is usually random and useless, this particular one just kept resonating, and I thought to reflect on the same in this blog post.

I restarted cycling almost after a couple of years with comfortable rides just around my neighborhood for a couple of weeks. Then I gradually pushed myself towards the more distant beach and highway rides.

Typically excruciating, like any other journey in life, these long rides could be occasionally enlightening as well, and this was one such. It was a ride on the highway, on a route that I frequently drive through on my motorbike at my max speed, rejoicing the feel of the breeze caresses my face. However, the experience of riding the bicycle on the same turned out to be a complete contrast. During the course of the ride, while climbing an uphill with a steep gradient, it struck me that all this time, I have been enjoying the scene of the route while completely ignoring its steep slopes. Completely soaked in sweat and in terrible pain, my exhausted mind realized that though the path and the destination might be the same, the journey is totally different, and all along, I have been riding on a privilege.

Since then, whenever I am on the roads pedalling, I began noticing people from different walks of life cycling. One would be a tired construction worker wearing a helmet and a fluorescent green vest. The other would be a working teen pedalling hard to deliver goods. Then, an old man cycling really slow, cos of his age, and as he got no other option. Also, a girl with milk cans that’s suspended over the handlebars. And, a man cautiously riding with his wife sitting on the carrier and tightly holding the toddler. Seeing them, I feel like they scream loud, “I cycle for my livelihood and necessity, whereas you for recreation and leisure, and definitely WE ARE NOT THE SAME BRO, and you are riding on your privilege”.

Either earned or inherited, I think it’s essential to first acknowledge the privileges bestowed upon us and be grateful for the same. Likewise, It’s also equally important that we appreciate, empathize, help, and be kind to people who are on the same road towards the same destination and not privileged as you are.

On a closing note, If you are reading this, you are undoubtedly privileged 63.2% of the world population who got access to the internet.