Jagriti Yatra | D -5

Have no idea about the title ? Please refer my previous blog post .

OMG !!! Just 5 more days for the yatra to start and 3 more days to depart from Chennai.
Right now, my mood just swings between excitement and panic. I am excited for obvious reasons mentioned in my previous post.

So, Why am I panic ?
As my work consumed most of the time this week, what I got is just couple of days to shop, pack for yatra and to strike off a huge checklist.

So, Why am I spending time in writing this post, instead of doing some pre Yatra preparations?

Whenever I am in trouble, I am lucky to have people around who help me out of it. So I am taking time to thank a few who helped me this time.

It’s my office friend Lakshmi and my neighbour Mr Syed who came forward to help me with my bag problem. I didn’t have a big bag that could hold clothes for 19 days as I have never been that far and that long. When I was about to buy a new one and burn a big hole in my pocket, they came to rescue. Mr Syed also lent me his travel pouch, jerkin and few valuable travel tips. So, many thanks to both of them.

One thing that I am extremely concerned about is the winter in the north. It would be ungrateful if I fail to thank this ex-Yatri who inspired me to apply for Yatra, then wrote the guide “How To Keep You Warm (In-JY)” and also lent his Jagriti Yatra Hoodie to me. Thanks AswinYogesh.

At home, I was talking about buying a new sleeping bag. To my surprise a sleeping bag was delivered straight to my office few days later. It’s my sister with whom I fight day in and day out ordered it out of her own earning. Thanks Janani, It means a lot to me, but the fight still continues 😀 .

Troubles, tough times, problems, hurdles, whatever you call them, let it be there, yet the journey continues and the blog posts too 😀 .

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