Tag Archives: Netflix

Eat With Your Eyes

If you are a regular reader of my blog, you would clearly notice a trend emerging from the posts across the year. Usually, most of the blog posts would pivot around that one major trip of the year. Then, I fill the rest with life events and some random posts. Now thanks to COVID-19, for disrupting the longstanding trend, and obviously our lives too. With no trip and nothing much happening in my life, my content lake has completely dried up, and I am currently stuck with writer’s block. So, writing this one just for the sake of keeping up with my blogging streak and nothing else.

People who know me well mostly refer to me as a big foodie, and would also agree with the fact that I look most happy when I relish the food I love. Honestly, I concur with the above, as the face is just a reflection of the soul, and good food makes my soul happy. Of lately, between work, job hunting, and learning, I have been watching a ton of food shows and thought I would share some of my favs with you all. I strongly recommend you to get a Netflix subscription as most of them are available on it. If not, you always have that friend of a friend who has one.

Ugly Delicious

A dish doesn’t need to look great to taste awesome, especially when it comes to soul food, and that’s precisely Chief David Chang’s take on soul food. Each episode, he explores the cultural, sociological, and culinary aspects of such popular dishes. My most favorite episode of this show is titled ‘Don’t call it Curry’ where he demystifies some of the wrong theories related to Curry and also features the most popular and least highlighted South Indian cuisine.

The Chief Show

If you are someone who loved the movie titled Chef, this show for you and it’s an extension of it. In this show, director, writer, actor, and screenwriter Jon Favreau and chef Roy Choi take on a culinary journey that pushes the boundaries of their favorite dishes. During this exciting food journey, it’s quite exciting to see them experiment with their favorite recipes by collaborating with some of the celebrities from the entertainment and culinary world.

Somebody Feed Phill

This show is all about Philip Rosenthal‘s journey to some of the famous food destinations in the world, where he experience the cuisine of the land. That one key factor that pulled me towards this show is Phill’s smile and reaction when he tastes the food. And, that smile is quite contagious and radiates happiness. At least, in my case.

Midnight Diner

Midnight Diner is a Japanese anthology series that revolves around a small midnight diner that operates between 12 am, and 7 am and run by a chief referred to as Master. The dinner has got a limited menu, and the Master cooks whatever the customers requests, given he got the ingredients in stock. With customers from various walks of life visits his diner, Master tries to bring out their emotional connection with the food.

Street Food – Asia

I am a big fan of street food and love this one. This series explores and features some of the best street food stalls across Asia. Not just the food, it also highlights the story of the hard journeys embarked by the hawkers to master their dish and become successful. My most favorite episode is the one that features Jay Fai, the crab omelet grandma from Bangkok who owns a Michelin Star.

Food Wars – Shokugeki no Soma

This Japanese manga series revolves around Soma, a boy who aspires to become a chef in his father’s restaurant and later joins the elite culinary institute in the country to shape his skills. The rest of the series is about the challenges he faces to prove himself worthy in the institute. One thing that swept me off my feet was when they featured ‘Kozhi Varutha Curry’, a South Indian dish.

Chūka Ichiban

It’s yet another Japanese manga series set in 19th century China. The story revolves around the wonder boy Mao who aspires to become a Super Chef to take over late mother’s restaurant. I must really thank my friend Deepan AKA Deepu for recommending this to me.

That’s all for now folks.